African edutainer, front-end developer, lawyer

01. work


Fast Fluency Africa

African edutainment e-learning web application


SMN Property Professionals

Property management website


Adv Yongama Ndziba

Barrister one page profile website


Pretty Flower Hair

Mobile hair salon booking website

02. ideas

02.1 13 Lessons + 13 Months of Struggle

In this article I discuss 13 key insights gained from designing and developing the Fast Fluency Africa MVP and inadvertendly learning how to code in the process.


02.2 Why Learning isiZulu Is So Hard

Detailed analysis of a few of the major hurdles that come with learning a new language such as isiZulu based on my personal experiences.


02.3 Making a Good Business Idea GREAT

Transcript of a talk I gave at the University of Pretoria Business Incubator regarding strategies for idea generation and product market fit.
